Training at Suria Akhara
This video is a collection of training footage recorded at Suria Akhara, Varanasi, India.
Thank You
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone Training at Suria Akhara for allowing me to record this video footage during your training. Most of the video was recorded early in the morning, the temperature on the day was between 28 and 30 degrees celsius, with very high humidity at around 80%, in other words, stinking hot.
A Bit of Speculation
There is nothing wrong with a bit of speculation, so I am guessing here, on the origin of Indian Clubs. One of the aims of the Indian Club Tour 2014, was to find anyone in Varanasi who knew or had seen Indian Clubs, as we know them in the west. I found an old boy who remembered Indian Clubs from years ago and told me, that he had not seen them used in over twenty years or more.
British Army
It would seem logical that the British Army was impressed on seeing the local Pahlevans training with clubs and gada. By all accounts, all the athletes were very well developed, especially in the shoulders and back.
Modified Traditional Clubs
Maybe a creative army physical training instructor modified the traditional clubs by shortening them to between 18″ to 24″ inches in length.
New Training System
The modified clubs were used to develop a new and very effective training system. The newly created clubs were then put to good use in drilling troops, building upper body strength with a particular focus on swordsmanship and carrying arms.
Swinging Inward was Successful
Many Pahlevans tried swinging Indian Clubs that I had brought with me from Australia, and many performed inward circles without much difficulty, which stands to reason as both Jori and Gada are both inward movements.
Swinging Outward Failed
What was surprising was that none of them could swing in an outward movement, no doubt with time and instruction outward swings could have been mastered. So when you see the Indian Club section in this video, you will understand what I mean.
Barbell Press and Squat
Traditional Dumbbell Exercise Competition Style

Trying Out My Indian Clubs

Gar Nal (stone neck ring)

Parallel Bars

Rope Climbing

Leg press

Mallakhamb Pole

Gada (two-handed 10 to 2’s)
Gada (one-handed 360’s)
Brick Gada 1
This is what happens when boys find a loose piece of fence with a bunch of brick still attached, they try to swing it of course.
Brick Gada 2