GRIP CHANGES and CLASSIC SWINGS video has been put together as a follow up to the Grip Change Exercise tutorials recently published, to help maximise the way you handle Indian Clubs during training, working your shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.
Which size clubs should you use?
I would recommend that ladies use a 1lb club, gentlemen a 2lb club. If you are well practised in Indian Club swinging, ladies can use 2lbs and gentlemen 3lbs.
Use a clock with a large sweep hand, so you know when to change exercises. Always start on the hour.

Grip Change Exercises
It is very important that you complete the tutorial for Grip Change Exercises, before you attempt the GRIP CHANGES and CLASSIC SWINGS tutorial.
The GRIP CHANGES and CLASSIC SWINGS video has been put together in a follow-along format.
There are 10 exercises in all, each lasting one minute, so you do not have to count and focus on maintaining good form as you keep an eye on the clock.
Grip change exercise No. 1
Maintain a loose grip, and practice-changing between Sabre and Hammer grips.
Heart-shaped outward swings (30 repetitions)
Your form is really important, aim to get your arms elevated over your shoulders, reaching approximately 45° before you swing the back circle.
Grip change exercise No. 2
Maintain a loose grip, and practice-changing between Sabre, Hammer and Ring grips.
Parallel heart-shaped swings to the right (30 repetitions)
Aim to get your arms elevated over your shoulders, when you go in and come out of the back circle, reaching approximately 60° before you swing the front circle.
Grip change exercise No. 3
Same as Grip change exercise No. 2, add an inward roll on the way up using the Ring grip. Remember to pull your elbows into the centre during the inward roll.
Heart-shaped inward swings (30 repetitions)
Reach high when you come out of the front circle, aimed to the maximum elevation before you swing the front circle.
Grip change exercise No. 4
Same as grip change exercise No. 3, add a forward roll when you bring your arms forward and up, pause at the top before swinging down.
Parallel heart-shaped swings to the left (30 repetitions)
Aim to get your arms elevated over your shoulders, when you go in and come out of the back circle, reaching approximately 60° before you swing the front circle.
Grip change exercise No. 5
Same as Grip change exercise No. 4, as you swing down from the Y position, loosen your grip on the club and allow it to slide into your hand until you can firmly grip the ball at the end of the handle. This manipulation will make the club longer, and it will swing with more torque as you launch into the inward roll on the way up.
Freestyle Swings
Swing any style or combination you like for the last minute, remember to maintain good form.
Ok so tonight I started the the Slow Speed Kehoe video and then worked through this video. Paul Taras Wolkowinski you have another hit here. Between the two I had a great little workout after work. I finished up with some freestyle for a 25 minute session. I’ll be coming back to these two every other night or so for a bit.
Thanks Mark, every other day is good. Making the Slow Swing video was a total improvisation, as you know I use slow motion to work out movement sequences and transitions. Now I am finding myself trying a lot of different variations, I think it’s great as it makes you work hard both physically and mentally.