Homer W Crawford
Homer W. Crawford club swinging endurance record, as reported in the New York Clipper, on Saturday, March 21, 1891.

Homer W. Crawford swung a pair of 10lb Indian Clubs continuously for seven hours, making an average of 70 swings per minute. The count was done per circle, be it front or back.
An endurance record for 41 years
This record still stood 41 years later, at the time of Homer W Crawford’s death. There is no reference in Google to say if the record was ever broken.
Endurance Club Swinging Rules
The rules for these endurance records in 1891 were very simple, you were not allowed to stop.
Eating and Drinking
Eating and drinking were straightforward as the clubs were swung behind the head so that the coach or assistant could approach and feed the contestant.
To date, I have not found any information indicating how the endurance club swingers went to the bathroom. If anyone knows please forward the information to me.

This image of Crawford’s Indian Clubs was kindly provided by Francesca Fisher
Homer W. Crawford obituary
The obituary is missing the date.
Indian Club endurance record still good after 41 years.
Homer W Crawford, who died at the age of 63 years in Alliance recently, had established an endurance record for Indian Club swinging which still stands after 41 years.
Crawford, who was a brother of John E Crawford, 626 Allyn Street, on March 12, 1891, at the G.A.R. Hall, Lisbon, swung two 10lb Indian Clubs for seven consecutive hours with an average of 72 swings a minute. (The New York Clipper reported 70 swings a minute, a slight difference here) The record has never been equalled.
In 1889 he was a noted bicycle racer and was an intimate friend of the former heavyweight boxing champion of the world, John L Sullivan.
The Crawfords were great grandson’s of Adam Poe, who founded the second settlement in Ohio at Gavers on Yellow Creek, where General John Morgan, Confederate raider, surrendered during the Civil War….. see below
Thank you David M for sending this information

This image of Crawford’s Indian Clubs was kindly provided by Francesca Fisher