Playing with PLANES and PARALLELS

This video called Indian Clubs PLAYING with PLANES and PARALLELS is a bit of an experiment with some new Indian Club movements that I have been playing around with.

Exercise and Brain Gymnastics

I am constantly fascinated with the variety of moves that you find during practice, particularly using two clubs, and figuring out ways of separating your arms to swing in a different manner.

I swing parallels limited to one side of the body as opposed to both sides. You will see what I mean when you start watching the routine.

The Indian Clubs used in this video are replicas of clubs made by Sim D. Kehoe, they weigh 2lbs each and are 20″ in length.

A breakdown of movements to the RIGHT on the frontal plane

  1. Parallel forward roll
  2. Lower back circle and cross-body upper shoulder circle
  3. Large elbow circle and cross-body upper shoulder circle
  4. Uncross arms into double upper back circles

A breakdown of movements to the LEFT on the frontal plane

  1. Parallel forward roll
  2. Lower back circle and cross-body upper shoulder circle
  3. Large elbow circle and cross-body upper shoulder circle
  4. Uncross arms into double upper back circles

Frontal and Sagittal Movements

I have also been experimenting with swinging on the frontal and sagittal planes simultaneously. One arm swings a straight arm front circle on the frontal plane, whilst the other swings a straight arm pendulum on the sagittal plane. This means that you have to control your timings, to make sure that the clubs fall into their correct positions and don’t crash.

Transverse Turn/Twist

You have to use the transverse twist or turn to help control the clubs. You will see during my short routine that I really stuff up at one point because my brain fried and I lost focus.

Simple Movements

These are such simple movements of a circle and a pendulum swung on two different planes, the difficulty is hidden in the transition where you reverse what each arm is doing without stopping.

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Yours in Club and Gada Swinging

How to use Drum Beats for Training with Indian Clubs 1

Paul Taras Wolkowinski

4 comments… add one
  • Charles Mercer Feb 28, 2016 @ 16:36

    I think this is the equivalent of patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. Well done for holding concentration and keeping it going.

  • Mark Hogan Feb 29, 2016 @ 10:16

    Outstanding, you are really challenging yourself and keeping the brain native with this one. And you make it look easy!
    I will play around with this one a bit, it look too fun not to.

    Thanks Paul

    • Paul Taras Wolkowinski Mar 1, 2016 @ 11:16

      Thanks Mark, Start with swinging pendulums on the frontal and sagittal planes, then when you are ready swing a circle with one arm. This is very new, and a big learning curve for me.

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