Walking with Indian Clubs in Hungary
I visited Tamas Kaczmarski in 2018, he lives in Szombathely, Hungary.
From Wikipedia:- Szombathely is the oldest recorded city in Hungary. It was founded by the Romans in 45 AD under the name of Colonia Claudia Savariensum (Claudius’ Colony of Savarians), and it was the capital of the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire. It lay close to the important “Amber Road” trade route. The city had an imperial residence, a public bath and an amphitheatre. In 2008, remains of a mithraeum were discovered.

Walking with Indian Clubs in Hungary. We stayed on the outskirts of Szombathely which is the home of Indian Clubs Hungary. This video was filmed in the orchard at the back of our accommodation.
Swinging and Walking
This video focuses on swinging clubs and walking using forced and natural direction changes to vary the swing styles.
Forced Direction Change
A forced direction change is made by swinging the clubs up on the frontal plane, stalling the movement at shoulder height and reversing the clubs with a wrist circle. That is just one version out of many.
Natural Direction Change
A natural direction change is made by making a 180° body turn on the ‘Y’ axis otherwise known as your perpendicular centre line. The turn must be made while the clubs are moving.
Walking and Swinging
Timing is vital when you walk and swing clubs as your legs have to be straight in order for the clubs to make the front circle.
- Outward synchronous heart shapes
- Inward synchronous heart shapes
- Parallel synchronous heart shapes right
- Parallel synchronous heart shapes left
- Upper and lower reels
- Inward asynchronous heart shapes
- Outward asynchronous heart shapes
- Inward asynchronous heart shapes
- Parallel asynchronous heart shapes right
- Parallel asynchronous heart shapes left
- Windmills and crab walking
- Parallel synchronous heart shapes right with a back hip circle
- Parallel synchronous heart shapes left with a back hip circle
- Parallel reels right
- Outward reels
Drum Beats
- Drum Beats for Training with Indian Clubs, Gada (Mace) and Persian Meels.
- Track #2 Gada (mace) 56 Bull Horns

Walking with Indian Clubs in Hungary