My First Jori Clubs
Indian Jori Clubs form part of a traditional exercise regime in an Akhara (wrestlers gym) in India. The meaning of the word Jori is a pair.
Ceremonial Clubs
Each Akhara has sets of ceremonial clubs which are highly decorated and clubs for daily use. These clubs are frequently weighted towards the base with iron collars. They are used during competitions and festivals.

Ceremonial Jori – Suria Akhara
A Huge Range of Weights
Jori are made in a huge range of weights. Wrestlers use Jori that weigh between 8kg to 20kg for daily training. Heavier weights are usually saved for competitions and festivals.
Turning My Own Jori
I turned my first Jori in 2014, their styling is based on Nail Jori I saw in Varanasi at Orornat Akhara, India in 2013.

Nail Jori

My First Jori
My First Jori Clubs
My Jori measure 46″ (117cms) in length and weigh 14.5lbs (6.5kg) each. Each club has a channel cut towards the base, which can be loaded with chains to increase weight. The target load is an extra 4kg which will produce a club weighing around 10kg.

My First Jori Clubs – Swinging them up onto my shoulders
Iron Collars
Clubs are weighted with iron collars in India, I think for the time being that chain wound round the base will have a similar effect.
The technique for swinging the Jori is different to a Persian Meel. The shoulders have to turn 90° degrees to the left and the right from the frontal plane with hips facing forward. In contrast, the Persian Meels require a 45° degree turn.
The hips face the front as much as possible. Some hip movement is inevitable due to the inertia generated by the swinging Jori. Expect massive core work.
I think it is worth mentioning that correctly executed shoulder turns help to maintain a straight back, failure to do this will result in the back overextending resulting in injury.
The first impression is that you are swinging two Gadas or Maces, great fun.