Jaguset Akhara – Varanasi
Jaguset Akhara was the first akhara I visited during my stay in Varanasi. Being a Tuesday and a traditional rest day there was no training, a great photo opportunity nonetheless. It was a surprise to find a weighted Kabadeh bow like the ones used in Zurkhaneh hanging on the wall.

Each Akhara is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the God of strength, it is said that Hanuman wore a red Langota, which is the name for the small speedo like garment worn for training. The exterior of their Akhara is painted red in honour of Hanuman.

Some well-loved and used Jori Clubs, a bit worse for wear as they were left outside.

The Neck & Hand Nal are hand-cut by local stonemasons.

The mud wrestling area, roof covered, with a small storage area behind the ornate columns used to store Gada and Jori Clubs plus other smaller equipment.

Something I did not expect to see, a weighted Kabadeh bow like the ones used by Zurkhaneh, it looked like it was in good condition and still in use. This probably sounds very vague but there was no one there to ask questions.