Over the years I have spent a lot of time researching historical people who went before us in the practice and study of Indian Clubs, Persian Meels, Indian Jori, and Gada Mace. People like Tom Burrows, Gus Hill, Professor Harrison, and Sim D. Kehoe to name a few.
During my global Indian Clubs Workshop Tours, I have made a conscious effort to meet as many people as possible who continue these training traditions.
People Page
On the PEOPLE page, you will meet current day trainers, students, and practitioners who actively swing and train with Indian Clubs, Persian Meels, Indian Jori, and Mace Gada.
Professional or Personal
Over time I hope to talk to as many people in general, be it professional or personal, who swing Indian Clubs, Persian Mil, Indian Jori, and Gada Mace on a regular basis, and feature their stories, and reasons for taking up these disciplines.
Harry Allick:- Harry was taught to swing Indian Clubs by his father in the late 1940s, he had a very strict approach to discipline. Read his story… Susan Poulos:- Indian Club Memories | Susan grew up with Indian Clubs, she remembers learning to swing Indian Clubs from the age of twelve. Read her story… Hans Reuter:– Professor Emeritus, Wisconsin State University, La Crosse. Hans Reuter expected perfection from his students and never made them doing anything he couldn’t do himself, even during his tenure as Professor Emeritus. Read his story… Kelly Manzone:- I believe it’s important for optimal movement/physiological health to be mobile yet strong and flexible yet stable. The Kettlebell and Mace appeal to me for this very reason. Read her story… Chris Riddell:- Learning to swing the Mace and Indian Clubs, is part of the fun and I find it easy to commit myself to do either one or the other daily. Read her story… Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I guess it’s a combination of strength, mindfulness, flexibility, and brain exercise that Indian Clubs present. You can do whatever you feel like when it comes to clubs. Read her story… Valerie Pawlowski:- Physically, there is no other manner of moving weight behind our bodies as in the way a mace is swung. It produces a corrective and balanced stimulus for the entire regions of the shoulder, trunk and upper body. Read her story… Kirsten Moore:- Mace swinging can end up being forced by the upper body rather than the smooth flow that it should be. Many people mistakenly think they just need to practice mace technique more, when in reality they may have hip mobility issues that need to be dealt with. Read her story… Dina Enggaard:– If you want to work with these tools, you should learn the core movements and strive to do them in good form. Read her story… Rik Brown:- My interest in the Mace was sparked when I was very young, maybe 7 years old, when I watched a brief film clip of an Indian wrestler using a Gada. Read his story… Joohyun Kim:- At first, to tell you the truth, I wanted to learn Indian Clubs, Persian Meels & Gada (mace) for myself which was driven by my personal curiosity, which eventually led me to become the Korean Zurkhaneh Sports national team coach, and Club & Gada (mace) trainer. Read his story… Julio Diniz:- interviewed by Frank Colón about Indian Club Swinging. First I practised with drum mallets, the ones that we use for the big samba surdo drums. Read his story… Frank Colón:- Percussionist, and Krav Maga Professor interviewed by Andreas Vogelsang about how he has integrated Indian Clubs into his daily training. Read his story… Andreas Vogelsang:- Has a genuinely fresh point of view about club swinging. On top of that he hand carves his own clubs. Read his story… Tamás Kaczmarski:– Hungarian Hammer combines the exercises of the Hammer and the Mace. The bulky shape and the oval handle changes the handling. Read his story… Anthony LaPorta Jr:- is a personal trainer and a great fan of Indian Clubs, Clubbells and Mace. He looks after professional fighters to HS athletes, the general population, and medical exercise clients with Parkinson’s, MS and other major issues. Read his story… William Calvani:- on the Gada (mace) – I train exclusively with the 10 to 2 swing. The 360 is, in my opinion, a training swing for the 10 to 2. I believe that the ancestral developers and practitioners of the Gada assessed and deemed this swing to be the most bang for the buck. Read his story… Newton Fitness APS:- No matter how sick or weak you are, or no matter how strong and powerful you are. There is always a set of Indian Clubs for you. Don Giafardino:- Adex Adjustable Clubs. The benefits of club swinging are building/maintaining essential neural pathways that diminish with age and inactivity. Ron Jones:- Indian Clubs started as a frustrating experience and have become one of my favourite fitness tools, importantly, one of my favourite LIFE tools. Read his story… Kevin Rail:- If I pick up my Indian Clubs feeling down and out, within minutes my mood improves. They have a magical, meditative power that’s hard to ignore. Read his story… James Neidlinger:- Indian Clubs are like Jazz, you can play the Standards or you can just Jam. Read his story… Barry Hutchings:- Indian Clubs are fun. I love swinging clubs. There is so much variety. From tiny Tear Drop clubs to Monumental Meels. Read his story… Mark Hogan:- A fully qualified Fire Arms Instructor, and in his interview, he talks about using Indian Clubs for training and recovery from shoulder surgery. Read his story… Gyanshankul Singh:– The traditional way to learn Gada and Jori in an Akhara, you first need to be perfect in doing Hindu Pushups and Baithaks. Read his story… Mike Romiski:- Is the founder and owner of Rosewater Kinetics. I asked Mike if I could visit him in Idaho. The visit became a real eye-opener. Read his story… Helder Gandra:- Indian Clubs Portugal was interviewed by Andreas Vogelsang about his business background and the methods he uses for drying and preparing wood in the pre-production stages. Read his story… Marcus Quijas:- Talks about his travels and training – “During training, the mind must be focused to be maximally efficient in many regards, it is like a combined mental and physical meditation”. Read his story… Nic Branson:- From Nic Branson Training talks about the way he ventured into Indian Clubs from Gymnastics. Read his story… Aaron Vyvial:- Owner of the Texas Kettlebell Academy, tells me that he has progressively added Gada and Clubs into his training regime, to compliment Kettlebell Lifting. Read his story… Kashi Azad:- from Persian Meels are time tested, they have the maturity of over 2000 years, and is battlefield proven, if it works on the battlefield it works anywhere. Read his story… Thierry Sanchez:- Indian Clubs PRACTICE aspect versus TRAINING keeps me interested, there are always new patterns you need to repeat over and over again. Read his story…Marisa Leva:- Both Indian Clubs and Mace have opened up a new world in my quest for unconventional yet effective techniques to gain and maintain fitness. Read her story…