Emma-Lisa Hansson
It is with great pleasure that I bring you an interview with Emma-Lisa Hansson, who runs a company called Goodsquad.se in Sweden focused on Indian Club swinging and other modalities.
When did you start to swing Indian Clubs?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I started swinging clubs during a kettlebell instructor course about 7 years ago. I immediately purchased a pair of clubs right there. At home, I ordered steel clubs too. I actually fell in love with club swinging, more so than with kettlebells.
Funny thing is that club swinging has always had a time and a place in my heart from that first time. When I bought my first pair, they were a bit too heavy for me to make wrist circles. I just did the basic swings for a long time until I found more people online to be inspired by and eventually got other clubs.
What sparked your interest in club swinging?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I was first introduced to club swinging during a kettlebell instructor course as a way of warming up the shoulders in order to train with a kettlebell. I couldn’t stop thinking of Indian Clubs though and a few months afterwards I travelled all the way to freezing Motala in Sweden, during winter, just to take a full-day seminar with Indian Clubs, Maces and Steel Clubs. I loved it! I loved the history behind it and I continued training with clubs at home.
At the time, I only knew of a few people training with clubs which was our kettlebell certifier for the course, me and my hubby. I also knew of clubs used in circus training and found some information from a circus artist, but I wasn’t interested in the juggling part.

Can you explain why you enjoy training with clubs?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I love the connection that Indian Clubs swinging has with body/mind. It makes my mind and brain happy. If I have a stressful day, I can just start to swing and the world slows down. If I need a new challenge, I pick up my clubs and I start to learn a new swing or sequence. If I just need to relax, well I do some swings that I feel comfortable with and I try to do them as beautifully as I can.
Somedays I take my favourite clubs with me to the gym, just to warm up and I end up forgetting to do my gym training. Indian Clubs are so exciting, they bring something extra for your fitness routine! They won’t get you bored! During summertime, I love to bring my heavier ones out in the garden.
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I guess it’s a combination of strength, mindfulness, flexibility, and brain exercise that Indian Clubs present.
You can do whatever you feel like when it comes to clubs. Learn a new sequence, practice cadence, strength, practice ambidexterity, asynchronous movements, walk or standing still.
Do you swing clubs one or two-handed?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- Both actually! If I’m learning something new I usually start with one hand, and progress to two hands. Some days I feel like training two hands and some days just one hand. Unlike many other fitness instruments, Indian Clubs training has no prestige and I find that very relaxing.
If you were to be cast away alone on a desert island, which pair of Indian Clubs would you choose to have with you? What are the characteristics of your favourite Indian clubs?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I would, of course, bring my light, beautiful little teardrops! Small and super fast. They are the ones I usually trust when I need to learn something new and they are the ones I trust and they are also the ones that are the most fun to swing. You need to be swift, fast and trust your hands cause these clubs will hurry you up. I’m almost laughing when I’m writing this.
The teardrops are so light and fast, they make club swinging feel amazing. My drops are antique, my hubby got them for me, we measured the length of my lower arms and they match my arms perfect. I would love to find another pair like them, but just a little bit heavier. I’m sure a little bit heavier ones would bring some great joy to my club swinging adventures. (Right now I’m keen on the desert island idea, next trip shall be a desert island with Indian Clubs)

In your opinion, what are the benefits of Indian Club swinging for the average person and how would you describe Indian club exercises to a friend who has no idea how Indian clubs are used, or what they are for?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- Since I regard myself as an average person, I have to say that posture and keeping your core tight is very beneficial. I myself sit a desk for 8 hours, sit in a car for at least two hours a day and club swinging has literally saved my back and shoulders.
You also have better joints if you swing clubs, no pain in the joints anywhere. Not even in your fingers. Aside from no pain in joints, excellent shoulder health, good posture, and a tight core, you can also start loading up with heavier clubs and get a really good and sweaty workout. Not to mention the brain.
The more complex sequences you learn, the more your brain will thank you. You are usually gifted with one good body half, your dominant one, this one will keep being dominant if you don’t practice. You can start learning your other body half to be as good as your dominant one. Train both sides with clubs, your mind and body will thank you.
Also, fitness-wise, it doesn’t have to be boring to work out. Get a pair of clubs, have somebody teach you, join the Indian Clubs community, watch youtube videos, start to learn and get a skill. It’s wonderful, fun, creative and there is always something to improve.
Do you teach or plan to teach Indian club swinging?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- Yes! My hubby and I just started our company Goodsquad.se and we will soon start to offer workshops in club swinging. We also just started a Youtube channel and we will have information in Swedish.

How do you combine Indian clubs in combination with other training?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I try to vary my training and I train and instruct kettlebells. Besides kettlebell, I also do body movement, yoga, gym, and Indian Clubs. I find Indian Clubs the most beautiful of how to train my body and I feel most satisfied when I practice club swinging. I usually bring a pair of clubs with me to the gym if I’m training upper body, same with kettlebell training.
Sometimes I include heavier clubs and I try to incorporate some kind of squats/swings. It keeps everything fun that way. I try to save a little bit of extra time for clubs and I also like to use a mirror. Time is always an issue, so sometimes I train with them just for a few minutes, but I tend to lose track of time…

Is there anything else you would like to share?
Emma-Lisa Hansson:- I’m really looking forward to bringing more Indian Clubs training to everyone, I hope I can inspire more people to start training with this wonderful tool.
Thank you for this interview.
Best regards to you and the Indian Clubs community.
Emma-Lisa Hansson
Location: Sweden, Ystad
I would like to thank Emma-Lisa Hansson for taking the time to share your thoughts about Indian Clubs training, your input is much appreciated.