Marisa Leva
Marisa Leva has very kindly agreed to answer some questions in this interview and I think that she has a great approach and open mind in taking on new challenges like swinging Indian Clubs and the Mace. Read her story…
Marisa Leva was an Occupational Therapist for 30 years, specializing in upper extremity rehabilitation and working with people of all ages and a wide variety of conditions. She has always believed in treating the person as a whole, not just their injury or problem.
Marisa Leva has certifications as a Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Chi Running and Walking Instructor, and others. She is currently a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Original Strength Clinician with a fervent interest in unconventional forms of movement and exercise with a focus on the “older” adult.

Marisa Leva:- Currently, as a beginner in the Mace and Indian Clubs arena, I plan to continue to learn as much as I can so that I can help other women, especially those in the later years of their lives, enjoying the benefits that this practice can provide!
What sparked your interest in Indian Clubs and Mace?
Marisa Leva:- In two words, Kelly Manzone. I had the good fortune of attending Kelly’s mace workshop at the Women’s Movement Collaborative Weekend in North Carolina in Fall 2018 and that’s when the swinging began. Prior to that, I had never heard of a Mace or Indian clubs.
Kelly’s teaching method and wonderful personality motivated me to want to learn more so I scheduled a private class with her. I not only experienced Mace swinging on a deeper level but was introduced to Indian Clubs as well.

Can you explain why you enjoy Indian Clubs and Mace?
Marisa Leva:- Both of these modalities have opened up a new world in my quest for unconventional yet effective techniques to gain and maintain the fitness of body, brain, and spirit.
With over 30 years of experience and ongoing education as an Occupational Therapist and health and fitness participant and advocate, I have a pretty good understanding of how the body works as separate parts and as a whole.
Marisa Leva:- Swinging and moving with the Mace and Indian Clubs made a huge impression on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Initially, these implements were a bit intimidating. However, with practice, I began to sense the strength, power, relaxation, and joy that they allowed me to feel.
The rhythm and flow of the movements are surprisingly calming and soothing. Additionally, the bilateral and unilateral motions and coordination required, integrate both hemispheres of the brain while activating the vestibular system. Consequently, new neural pathways are formed which not only allows for improvement in our neuromuscular status but may also help with maintaining and improving our cognition.
These benefits are vital to our health and well-being now and as we grow older.

Considering your experience with swinging the Indian clubs and mace, would you recommend it to other women?
Marisa Leva:- The answer is a resounding YES! Women of all ages and fitness levels can benefit from this practice. I am especially enthusiastic about introducing these tools to women who are 55 and older.
I am in my sixties and believe that the rewards are many, as I expressed above. Increased upper extremity, neck and back range of motion and strength; increased grip strength; postural improvements; improved core stability and strength; greater body awareness and balance; relaxation; and the wonderful sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that one feels when learning new skills are all achievable through mace and club practice.
Learning to swing a mace or club takes time, patience, and practice
to learn and develop proficiency and good technique.

Can you share your thoughts, approach, and indicate the length of time to achieve this for a beginner?
Marisa Leva:- Anyone interested in learning should first and foremost contact a reputable instructor. One needs to learn proper technique and utilize tools that are an appropriate weight and size to avoid incorrect movement patterns and potential injury. An experienced instructor is able to provide this.
Marisa Leva:- I feel that, as a beginner, one needs to realize that learning any new skill takes time. Be patient and avoid comparing yourself to others. Consistent practice results in improvement and eventual proficiency.
To start, my recommendation would be to prepare the body with appropriate dynamic and static stretches prior to beginning a practice session. Then work on basic movements for short sessions (10-15 min.), gradually increasing to longer practice times as your body adapts. I also feel that women, in particular, may need to incorporate some upper body range of motion and strengthening as well as core stability exercises into their program if they are lacking in these areas.
In terms of length of time to achieve proficiency, my belief is that mace and club swinging, like most other activities, is an ongoing practice and that there is always something new to learn. I prefer to think of the mace and clubs as tools that can be used to support the quest for health, wellness, and fitness for the rest of one’s life.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Marisa Leva:- I want to re-emphasize that women and men of all ages can benefit immensely from using the mace and clubs. Perhaps you are just beginning your fitness journey or your usual training regimen is not working for you anymore for any number of reasons. Or you might want to add a new modality to your program. The Mace and Indian Clubs might be just what you need!
I am forever grateful to Paul, Kelly, and Kevin for shining a bright new light on this practice and sharing it with the world!
Marisa Leva
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Original Strength Clinician
A big thank you to Marisa Leva for taking the time to share your thoughts about Indian Clubs and Mace (gada) training, your input and comments are much appreciated.
Found you online and except for your hair color, you haven’t changed a bit. Sam and I still reminisce about the good times we three had-he still misses you of course. He is about 5’10” ish and healthy…and I’m fine too. I bought a house in Drexel Hill for the two of us but he’ll fall in love and move out at some point! That’s all for now. Best of luck in your newish career with indian clubs! As always, Wendy
Best of luck.