Meel Training with Cobbett and Jenkin Clubs
Meel training strengthens the upper body, particularly the shoulders plus the arms and grip. It also helps achieve a full range of motion in the shoulder girdle.
Here are some pointers on Meel Training with Cobbett and Jenkin Clubs.
Right Arm Swing
To swing the right hand Meel, bring your left shoulder forward about 45 degrees, and the right shoulder goes back, this clears the path for the Meel to drop.
Left Shoulder Forward
As you bring your left shoulder forward shift your body weight onto your left foot, which counterbalances the fall of the club. Your right foot should slide up to the left, keep this a small step.
As the Meel starts falling behind you, harness the energy of the fall by turning your right shoulder forward to about 45 degrees.
The Lowest Part of the Swing
When the Meel reaches the lowest part of the swing, pull hard to bring the Meel back up out of the swing. You should find the Meel almost weightless as it comes over your shoulder.
When the Meel comes up, your shoulders should momentarily face forward.
100° degrees
The Meel should descend softly to the front of the body and the forearm should drop to 100° degrees.
To achieve 100° degrees, you need to change your grip from a hammer grip (all finger tight hold) to a pinch grip (thumb, forefinger & second finger hold – relax third and fourth fingers).
Change of Grip
This change of grip allows the descent to 100 degrees, and also acts as a rest and relaxation for your hands. When you try this at first the club will probably touch and rest on your breast which is fine, you will soon get the hang of it.
Now you are ready to do the left side. You will find a beautiful rhythm that engages the whole body using this method.
Try not to rush the swings, allow the Meels to fall and rise at their own speed.
I am a great fan of Persian Meels and hope that you can use this information to your advantage.