3 ways to improve your Meel Swing
3 ways to improve your Meel Swing. Learn to coordinate the Meel swing with breathing, body rotation and footwork to become one with your Persian Meels.
Rhythmic Breathing
We all have an internal rhythm set by our regular breathing patterns. We may not pay attention to it, and often do not act in sync with it. The rhythm is always there and it becomes clear when we exercise, run or jog. We all become more efficient as the breathing pattern emerges.

Starting Position for Persian Meels
Rotating your Shoulders
As beginners learn to swing Persian Meels they tend to over emphasise arm movements. Forgetting the all-important shoulder and spine rotations. Learning to handle and coordinate their bodies with new equipment is important. With time skills become refined in becoming one with the clubs.

Persian Meel – Left Shoulder to Rear – Push Up and Swing
Persian Meel – Left Shoulder to Front – Return to Starting Position
Square Up into the Starting Position and repeat with the Right Arm
Moving your Feet
Adding footwork to the Meel swing creates a rhythmical and dance-like movement. This helps master the coordination needed. The technique of body rotation allows the Meel to swing behind you without hitting your shoulder blades.
Great read Paul! Glad you wrote this, the tips really help.