Slow Swing 2lb Kehoe Clubs
The Slow Swing 2lb Kehoe Clubs video is an experiment, it is very useful to slow down club swinging when you are exploring new movements.
I find it really helps to work out where each arm has to go and memorise the complexity of the movement or sequence. Then as time goes on you can increase the speed as you become more proficient. However, the idea in this video is to keep all movement deliberately as slow as possible.

Slow Swing 2lb Kehoe Clubs video takes this further to explore how the shoulder handles and arm fully extended holding a 2lb club. The idea came from my own training, combined with observing and taking part in a Tai Chi session, albeit very briefly. For clarity, this video does not contain any Tai Chi movements, just very slow circles using a straight arm wherever possible. Slowly performed heart-shaped swings were also a challenge, as I found myself having to really focus on the movements and pivot point changes from the shoulder to elbow and wrist.
Indian Club movements performed in slow motion will help you learn a new sequence.
Slow Swing 2lb Kehoe Clubs Video
There is no choreography in the Slow Swing 2lb Kehoe Clubs video, I just went with the flow of the music. To my surprise, it was actually very demanding for my shoulders, upper arms, forearms and hands.
I would really encourage you to try this, choose a piece of music that you like and just move with it and experiment as there are no rules and you can simply improvise, it’s really good fun to do and it’s different.
Paul tonight after a warmup I followed along best I could move for move using my two pounders from Army as they’re the closest I have to the Kehoe club thin handle wise.
I was able to make about 7 minutes before I had to stop. I’ll need to drop to the 1 pounders and repeat this until I can run the full video.
This was a great workout, also as Paul Imada stated this slow speed really let me get in touch with the technique needed for each movement.
My weakest point is my shoulder during the extended wrist circles, the two pounders were just too much.
Thanks for a new exciting method, this helps as the slow large circles do not aggregate the shoulder at all. I’ll continue to incorporate this.
Thanks Mark, The most important choice you make is down to the weight of the clubs you use, and it means that you are listening to your body. Time will build up your strength and then you will be able to progress to heavier clubs. But there is no rush. I’m excited that you have found the large circles do not aggravate your shoulder, great news.
Thanks Paul. I did drop to the one pounders and have a great workout with them. I’ve done this video/workout every few days now and tonight without thinking ran it with the light clubs you made me. They’re moe than a pound so in gaining.
The slow speed workout is really helping my form, and I wish I found this long before now. At least I’m learning every day 🙂
Hi Mark, that’s great, I think the slow motion is not only good for helping your form, but also I am sure it will help build up your shoulder strength. Keep me posted.