Training with Low Ceilings
This video is dedicated to everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, I know that you are all struggling with the Polar Vortex and Training with Low Ceilings. I have come up with a few ideas you can use to train with Indian Clubs, Persian Meels and Gada Mace in rooms with Low Ceilings.
This video has been inspired by one of the founders of Perrier Source Water named John Harmsworth, who was involved in a car accident that paralysed him from the waist down and as a result, he spent the rest of his life wheelchair, Harmsworth was a great fan of Indian clubs and even though he was wheelchair-bound continued to exercise with Indian Clubs for the rest of his life.

Black Polyurethane Clubs, 2lbs each
For this video I use two props to demonstrate my ideas, the first one is a straightforward dining room chair and the second a simple stool that is 2” inches higher than the chair.
You have to be careful with the length of the clubs you use and make sure that they are not too long, the first pair is 8 ounces 20” inch juggling clubs, the second pair is an 8 ounce wooden 19” Tear Drop Clubs, and the third pair is a 2lb black pair of polyurethane which are 16” long.
The Stool
Sit on the stool as if you were riding horseback, knees well apart, then do a space check with clubs pointed and arms outstretched, rotating your body to each side. The aim is to make sure you are not going to hit anything during your club swinging.
- Two-handed outward heart-shaped swings.
- Two-handed parallel swings to the right.
- Two-handed inward heart-shaped swings.
- Two-handed parallel swings to the left.
- Alternate inward and outward swings.
- Parallels and Windmills

Tear Drop Clubs also known as Sceptres
Differences between standing and sitting
Standing and swinging, your legs play a huge role in keeping you upright, whether you are exercising with your feet a shoulder-width apart, or heels together (display stance). Sitting and swinging, the emphasis is intense on your core, with the legs slightly active resting on the floor. Sitting provides a very different dynamic to standing, using core stabilisation.
The Chair
All exercises as above. 2” lower than the stool. The knee position is different with the knee caps to the front. Two different foot positions, the first with the feet tucked under the chair with the balls of the feet touching the floor. The second position was with the complete foot resting on the floor, both heel and toes. The second position was my favourite because the body was more stable. The other major difference is that you have to drive the clubs forward of your knees on the downward swing. Surprisingly intense on the core.
Persian Meels
Meel turning is a closed arm exercise, which means that the arm never straightens. The hand holding the club has to pass between the top of the shoulder and your ear limiting the lift. If you struggle with this, try leaning the Meel on your shoulder, and push it to the back.
Gada Mace 10 to 2’s, 4’6” maximum length
Conventional methods dictate a push-up and a pull-down. Here we will skip the push-up, and generate the force by pushing down hard on the Gada Mace handle as it comes down in the front of the body, like pulling a car handbrake on really hard or pumping water and then immediately releasing the force and pulling up allowing the Gada Mace to fall behind you.

Juggling Clubs (great for learning)
Training with Low Ceilings
This video was made to suggest ways of training indoors with your favourite equipment whilst the outside temperatures are freezing.